Know someone who might be Maker material?
Receive a $100 bonus for refering a Maker to MySkillit.
With Skillit, you can host classes and showcase your expertise. Become part of a growing community.
Become a MakerWe handle your marketing, bookings, and payments for you, so you can focus on what you do best – teaching that thing you love. We support you at every step. All you need to do is build a fun and engaging course that families will enjoy.
Become a MakerDevelop a course around your professional experience. Make it fun, educational and extremely hands-on. Build your course the way you’d want to learn it, and plan it around your own schedule.
Become a MakerBe part of a growing community of Las Vegas-based Makers who truly care about sharing their skills in fun and engaging ways that families will enjoy.
Become a MakerFor every course booked with you, we’ll donate a course to an underprivileged family. Ensuring everyone has access to skill-building experiences is one of the reasons we started Skillit. So, you can feel even better sharing what you love knowing that you’re giving back too.
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